2015-2016 Legislation
Every week, Student Senate passes legislation that is sent to administrators. Below is a list of all legislation passed in the 2015-2016 academic year.
September 15: Reaffirming Tuition Guarantee
September 22: By-Law Amendment: Secretary for Communications and Media Relations Position
September 29: By-Law Amendment: Off-Campus Relations Council (OCRC)
October 20: Bill Authorizing the Powers of the Audit, Debt Relief, and Emergency Funding Committee
October 27: Resolution Reaffirming Support for the Creation of a Faculty Tardiness Rule
November 10: Resolution Supporting the Renovation of Pearson Hall
November 17: A Bill Authorizing the Creation of New Funding Regulations and Procedure
November 17: A Resolution Supporting the Option to Purchase an Ethernet Cable in the Residence Hall Housing Contract
November 17: A Resolution to Decrease Plastic Bag Use on Campus
December 1: Remaining Food Recovery Project
December 1: Resolution Declaring Support of SB No. 205 and HB No. 306 of the 131st Ohio General Assembly
March 1: Resolution to Improve the Proposed Meal Plan
March 1: Resolution to Supporting Genocide and Holocaust Awareness and Prevention Month in the month of April
March 8: Resolution in Support of a Bike-Sharing Program for Miami University
March 29: Resolution Supporting the Recognition of Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples' Day
April 5: Miami Audit and Funding Improvement Act
April 5: A Bill Recommending The Implementation of a Peer Priority Registration System
April 5: A Bill to Open the Requirements for Secretary for On-Campus Affairs
April 12: A Bill to Require Roster Updates for Student Organizations
April 12: Restructuring and Bylaw Amendment
April 26: A Resolution Supporting Expanded Passenger Rail Service on Amtrak's Cardinal Line
April 26: A Resolution Supporting Keeping King Café Doors Open 24/7
April 26: A Reaffirmation of Support for the Sale of Condoms in Miami Markets